Top 10k strings from 16-48 Magazine - Issue 17 (1985)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(Side B)[a].tzx
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4 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 4 33333333333` 3 a$,"Step by step programming: ZX 3 STOP THE TAPE 3 RUN THE TAPE 3 ;"16/48D&G17": 3 ;" ": 3 ;" ": 3 888888888888 3 0000000000000000000000000000 3 (STX-FNX): 3 "");(w$(i) 3 2 z$="10030203STOP THE TAPE": 2 z$="10030203RUN THE TAPE": 2 mmmmmmmmmmmmm 2 caps,viii: 2 a$(i)>q$(i) 2 UUUUUUUUUU 2 PRESS A KEY 2 ;"FIG CODE" 2 ;"CROSSWORD": 2 ;"BULLETIN": 2 ;" " 2 88888888888888888888888888888888 2 23635+256* 2 ((prog+168 2 "0";" ": 2 "0",XPR;Z$;")": 2 PROGRAM: A.K.S. & Psion MEMORY: 16K or 48K PRICE: `4.95 PUBLISHER: SINCLAIR Sinclair Research Ltd. Stanhope Road Camberley Surrey GU15 3PS. 1 ~hhflh~lhl 1 z$="llcchhvv": 1 z$="ll130201AND ": 1 z$="ll020302GREEN MEN": 1 z$="ll000402DUNGEONS": 1 z$="The format for each entry is:": 1 z$="TITLE": 1 z$="Sources of reference:": 1 z$="SUBJECT": 1 z$="PUBLISHER": 1 z$="How to use it...": 1 z$="ENTER": 1 z$="DONE": 1 z$="BOOKLIST for the ZX SPECTRUM": 1 z$="AUTHOR": 1 z$="18cchh04"+c$: 1 z$="18010202DISPLAY SCROLL": 1 z$="15000204Q to quit.": 1 z$="15000203M to move on.": 1 z$="10020203RUN THE TAPE": 1 z$="09020203STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$="08040303SNOWBALL": 1 z$="07060201HELP MENU": 1 z$="07010202SHERLOCK SLEUTH": 1 z$="05000304YOU GO NOW": 1 z$="05000204R to run again,": 1 z$="05000203R to go again,": 1 z$="04070202PRESENTS": 1 z$="02cchh04"+a$: 1 z$="00140201OF": 1 z$="0007030316/48": 1 z$="00030202OTHER POINTS": 1 z$="00030103MESSAGE SCROLLING ROUTINE": 1 z$=" PRESS...": 1 z$=" Be warned...": 1 z$(z)-xxxii: 1 your "+c$,vi,"4",e3,4.75 1 you purists adventurers out 1 y$=" ": 1 xxxii=xxx+ii: 1 xxxi=xxx+i: 1 workbook",vii,"8",e4,n8,"084747 9",vi,o 1 will appear to help those with 1 viii=vii+i: 1 viii,v;"for printer output."; 1 vi;pt-ii;" record";("s" 1 variety of Watch-Gnomes as well as other unspeakable nasty things and substances. To achieve access to some rooms you will need to resort to using mouse holes. This becomes a game of timing as you leap from pulsating 1 variables for common years, 1 u$,"`";p;("0" 1 trying to decode the notes, 1 transport, Snowball 9, as a 1 to safeguard the interstar 1 to quit."; 1 they should fit onto A4 paper 1 there. It is also massive with 1 the keys to Basil's and Tricia'sLondon flats are. Well there 1 the concluding episode 1 the absolute beginner",viii,"9",e2,n6,"110 1",i,d 1 the ZX "+c$,o,"6",e2,n4,"17 1",i,d 1 the "+c$,ii,"20",e4,n3,"007815 0",i,5.84 1 teachers & parents",v,"15",e3,n6,"14 5",i,d 1 t$=t$+".": 1 t$,s,p$,y,p,i$,b,db: 1 strip it from search key & set 1 story line. which could easily 1 still be in the correct lane at every half kilometre mark. There are4 levels of difficulty and you can choose which numeric operator to practice. 5 year olds mayfind the game a bit too sophisticated. EXCELLENT 1 start ~ gives a fast~soft~ start. 1 starship has been hijacked 1 spell that we have just had.": 1 software for the "+c$,ii,"1",e3,n5,"0264 X",i,d 1 skip rest of print routine 1 single button, a help menu 1 show how much (how little?) 1 sheeting on Timex/"+d$+" 2000 and "+d$+" ZX "+c$,i,"8",e3,18 1 see that the main character, 1 scroll=1013 1 screen and according to the displayed countdown clock we still had 200 seconds of loading time to go!! That is clever! The game itself is of theJet Set Willy kind, but of a superior programmingstandard. 1 sabotage.": 1 routines in Timex/"+d$+" 1 rev6 X 1 rev5 1 rev4 1 rev3 1 rev2 5 1 rev1 \ 1 put searching or printing 1 put common publishers & ISBN 1 publisher's name from string 1 projects",iv,"8",e3,n6,"084702 9",i,d 1 programs. Vol 1",ii,"12",e2,n5,"00 9",i,d 1 programs",vi,"8",e4,n7,"084729 0",i,d 1 programs",vi,"14",e4,n1,"132 1",ii,11284 1 programs for "+c$+" & ZX81",vi,"6",e2,3.25 1 programming",iii,"9",e3,n7,"111 X",i,d 1 programming guide",iii,"21",e4,2.5 1 programming book.(For children)",v,"4",e4,n4,"01233 0",i,d 1 programmers",v,"8",e4,n5,"084738 X",ii,101184 1 program",o,"7Granada586",e3,n2,"06104 5",i,d 1 program that every true 1 processing & beyond",i,"8",e3,n6,"084704 5",i,d 1 print pub, price, 1 print end message on hardcopy 1 print author & title 1 prices, etc. 1 prefixes into string array 1 practical subroutines and 1 piston to pulsating piston with a wet grave only a hair's breadth away. The background graphics are superb, but the sprites are a bit rough and suffer from attribute clashing. In all a bit confusing. Bring back Monty. 1 page to 5, else set to 3 1 p3,viii*xp: 1 p$="1122334455667722744": 1 p$(i)+i)<vl 1 over 7000 locations, 700 1 numbers on them. Each time you select a box your total will change. The game element is enhanced by the fact thatyour painter can never stop and there are lethalgaps between the girders which must be avoided. 1 novel. In fact, I think it oftenhas.": 1 not longer than field being 1 n,o;" ": 1 most from it",o,"5",e2,n5,"12018 5",i,d 1 modified. Can you save the 1 micro"+e$+"s",ix,"5Sigma905104",e4,n6,"49 8",vi,o 1 messages, a 200 word vocabulary 1 messages at bottom of screen 1 message scroll 1 memory remaining 1 make the basis of a good S.F. 1 main subroutine to display a$, b$ and c$. 1 m:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abc 1 look for ~+~, 1 last resort following 1 language",viii,"9",e4,n6,"160 8",i,d 1 l=l+(k$="6" 1 l$="--------------------------------": 1 l$''"---cut---cut---cut---cut---cut--"''l$: 1 ix;n+iii;" "; 1 ix,v;"(Uses a LOT of paper!)."; 1 intelligence on your "+c$+"+ 1 insect sporting calendar.Wriggler is an arcade/ adventure in which the player is cast as a defenceless maggot.Your task is to compete against grubs of your ownkind in a race where it is not winning, but survival which counts! 1 initialise big print routine 1 ii;w$(n+v): 1 if short screen output, set 1 if short screen output, 1 if publisher datais a no., use it to get array 1 if past approp author data, 1 if no publisher match, goto read 1 if no author match gotoread 1 if author search jump to approp. data line 1 i;n-ii;" "; 1 i);" found.",: 1 i);" found. 1 hours on your ZX "+c$,v,"1",e4,n2,"0410 3",i,d 1 home. For those of you who are 1 hhjjjjjjjjGGGGG 1 hhjjjjjjjjGGGG 1 have to wait until they come 1 giving most problems this 1 gazine Ltd. *6\$: 1 games",vi,"16",e4,n3,"636882 4",ii,151284 1 games",vi,"10",e4,n3,"28457 6",i,d 1 games and other fast "+c$+" 1 for your ZX "+c$,vi,"5Corgi552",e4,n4,"99129 5",ii,171184 1 for the "+c$+", ZX81 and other"+e$+"s",iv,"6",e4,6.45 1 ff`bffbffbf 1 facing for the "+c$,iv,"5",e4,n5,"12576 4",ii,110884 1 f<bbffb<fbf 1 f$="SEARCHING...": 1 f$="PRINTING...": 1 extraordinary. Your mission: 1 ensure that 1 ensure publisher search key is 1 education on the "+d$+" ZX81. With "+c$+" suppt. ( 1 ed",v,"5",e4,n1,"12592 6",iv,o 1 e$="computer": 1 dittosubject headings 1 ditto title match 1 ditto title field 1 ditto subject 1 disassembly",viii,"9",e3,n9,"116 0",i,d 1 deeper into your ZX "+c$,iii,"6",e3,n7,"24 4",i,d 1 date, ISBN and ref 1 d$="Sinclair": 1 d$="19010203THEN READ ON..." 1 course: complete "+d$+" BASIC"+" manual for ZX81/"+c$+" users",iii,"1",e3,n9,"0073 6",i,d 1 course for the "+c$,iii,"1",e5,n9,"0380 8",vi,o 1 convenient common variables 1 computing: the ZX "+c$,o,"1",e3,n6,"0332 8",i,d 1 compiled.": 1 comp17 1 commonly used strings into vars 1 code",viii,"5",e3,n5,"12082 7",i,d 1 catastrophic accident or 1 c=c+(k$="8" 1 c$="Spectrum": 1 c$="15010103QNB'V THNG USAK???": 1 being awakened from hibernation.The five mile long colony 1 b$="11010103ONLY 6999 LOCATIONS TO GO??": 1 b$=" ** DON'T FORGET ** 1 b$(vi,vii): 1 author search key is not longer than field being searched 1 aren't any. You will simply 1 applications",viii,"12",e3,n6,"17 3",i,d 1 applic'ns of ZX81/"+c$+"..",ix,p$,e3,ix,"07 0",i,d 1 and sabotaged; its robots 1 and message texts are detailed 1 and games for the "+d$+" 1 and atmospheric. The vocabulary is extensive and intelligently 1 and about 60 objects. Location 1 and "+c$,iii,"9Interface947695",e4,n6,"05 2",ii,221284 1 also makes a nice change to 1 ago, and I'm eagerly awaiting 1 agazine Ltd. *6\$: 1 agazine Ltd*S\ 1 adventures is the excellent 1 adventurer should attempt. It 1 adventure which should please 1 achieve a stated target number. at the top of thescreen are two numbers - the target number and your total number. The object of the game is to make your total number equal the target number by painting the boxes which have operators and 1 a$="07010103MELTING SNOWBALL?": 1 a$,c$+" workshop: word 1 a$,c$+" supergames",vi,"18",e4,n5,"0017 5",i,d 1 a$,c$+" subroutines",ii,"3",e4,n6,"1856 3",ii,110884 1 a$,c$+" spectacular:50 programsfor the "+d$+" "+c$,ii,p$,e2,n4,"03 5",i,d 1 a$,c$+" programs",ii,"3",e3,n6,"1704 4",i,d 1 a$,c$+" machine code",viii,"11",e3,n5,"35 6",i,d 1 a$,c$+" in education",v,"11",e3,6.5 1 a$,c$+" graphics machine",vii,"8",e4,n5,"084768 1",vi,o 1 a$,c$+" games",vi,"3",e4,n6,"1819 9",ii,110884 1 a$,c$+" add-on guide",iv,"5",e4,n5,"12563 2",i,d 1 a$,"ZX "+c$+": how to use and 1 a$,"ZX "+c$+". (Beginners' Micro 1 a$,"ZX "+c$+" whizz kid",v,"7",e4,n4,"91608 9",ii,81284 1 a$,"ZX "+c$+" game master",vi,"7",e4,n3,"91606 2",ii,81284 1 a$,"ZX "+c$+" explored",o,"15",e2,n5,"00 5",i,d 1 a$,"ZX "+c$+" and how to get the 1 a$,"Young people's "+c$,v,"19",e3,n5,"399 7",i,d 1 a$,"Words and word games: "+c$+" 1 a$,"Which Micro "+c$+" handbook",o,"4Emap0",e4,4.99 1 a$,"Very basic BASIC"+": the first 15 1 a$,"Using graphics and sound on the "+c$,vii,"3",e4,n6,"1878 4",ii,110884 1 a$,"Understanding your "+c$+": 1 a$,"Turbocharge your ZX "+c$,o,"7",e4,n5,"91604 6",ii,81284 1 a$,"Supercharge your "+c$,viii,"9",e3,n6,"112 8",i,d 1 a$,"Step-by-step programming: ZX 1 a$,"Second steps with your "+c$,v,"16",e4,1.75 1 a$,"Pocket handbook for the 1 a$,"Pictures and animation: "+c$+"ed",v,"5",e4,n1,"12591 8",iv,o 1 a$,"PCW hints and tips: "+c$,o,"1",e4,n5,s$,iv,o 1 a$,"PCW BASIC"+" games collection: 1 a$,"New adventure systems for the 1 a$,"More graphic games for the 1 a$,"More adventures for your ZX 1 a$,"Micro maths: "+c$+" ed",v,"5",e4,n1,"12589 6",iv,o 1 a$,"Mathematics tutor for the 1 a$,"Mathematical & educ'l applic'ns of the ZX81 (or "+c$+")..",ix,p$,e3,ix,"06 2",i,d 1 a$,"Making the most of your "+c$+"Microdrives",iv,"18",e4,n5,"0005 1",i,d 1 a$,"Make the most of your ZX 1 a$,"Learning to use the ZX "+c$+".(See also last item)",o,"4Ginn602",e2,4.9 1 a$,"Instant "+c$+" programming. 1 a$,"Graphic adventures for the 1 a$,"Giant book of "+c$+" games",vi,"16",e3,n3,"636744 5",i,d 1 a$,"Giant book of "+c$+" arcade 1 a$,"Getting started on your 1 a$,"Gateway to computing: ZX 1 a$,"Games for your ZX "+c$,vi,"13",e3,n1,"84 7",i,d 1 a$,"Games ZX "+e$+"s play: 30 1 a$,"Further programming for the ZX 1 a$,"Further adventures on the 1 a$,"Exploring artificial 1 a$,"Exploring adventures on the 1 a$,"Expert guide to the "+c$,o,"5",e4,n6,"12278 1",i,d 1 a$,"Engineering & scientific 1 a$,"49 explosive games for the ZX 1 a$+" (ed)","25 new programs for the 1 a$+" & others",c$+" book of games",vi,"5",e2,n5,"12047 9",i,d 1 a$+" & others",c$+" advanced user guide",o,"5Adder947929",e4,n7,"02 9",ii,171184 1 a$+" & others","Complete "+d$+" database",o,"7Big Bro946990",e3,n6,"00 X",i,d 1 a$+" & SCALES, Ian","Hacker's handbook: a guide for 1 a$+" & O'HARA, Frank","Complete "+c$+" ROM 1 a$+" & MORTLEMAN, James","Creating adventures on your ZX 1 a$+" & JONES, Robin","Computer puzzles for the 1 a$+" & JONES, Dilwyn","Programming your ZX "+c$,iii,"6",e2,n6,"19 8",i,d 1 a$+" & GALE, H. (eds)","Times book of "+e$+" puzzles 1 a quick look at the second part, 1 `fhhffhflhf 1 ]MAGNETIC MAGAZINES 83:H\ 1 [334,"0608 4",i,d 1 ZX81 & "+c$,o,"17",e2,n3,"34543 6",i,d 1 ZX "+c$,viii,"6",e3,n9,"23 6",i,d 1 ZX "+c$,vi,"6",e3,n3,"28 7",i,d 1 ZX "+c$+" owners",iv,"7",e5,n5,"91612 7",vi,o 1 Z$="LLCC0202"+A$(N,1 1 Z$="10030203RUN THE TAPE": 1 Z$=" YCC0202"+A$(N,Y/2 1 You soon discover that survival is not so easy. This 250 screen world is inhabited by a good variety of nasties: ants spiders, wasps, aliens and more. On the B side of the tape is a free pop single reminiscent of C4's Brookside theme. 1 You can select from four different speeds of play and twelve different levels of problem complexity. The program will also automatically move you up or down levels depending on your performance. For ages 5 to 14. FAULTLESS. 1 You can search this booklist byauthor,title or publisher, usingonly the first few letters ofeach. The longer the search key,the less chance of confusion.You may also choose from a listof broad subject headings." 1 XXXXXXX XXXX X X X XX XXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXX XXXX X X X X XXXX XXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXX XX X X X XXXX XXXXXXXC$ 1 Worm In Paradise 1 With over 200 titles in this(hopefully) comprehensive book-list, the "+c$+" must be wortha place in the Guinness Book ofRecords as not only the best-selling "+e$+" ever, but alsothe machine with far more bookswritten about it than any other!You can now examine what is, asfar as I know, the only "+c$+"booklist currently available tothe public, and certainly theonly list in software format." 1 Where a title is available bothin hard and soft back editions,the paperback edition is listed.The majority of books in thislist are paperbacks.": 1 WRIGGLER MEMORY: 48K 16/48 RATING 1 VISOR. LOOK AT SCREEN. LOOK AT 1 Use UPPER CASE for surnames -thefirst few letters may suffice. 1 UUUUUUUUUW 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUW 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUU]UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUW 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU_ 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUTU 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUQUU5UTUUG 1 UUUUUUUUUUUU 1 UUUUUUUTUU 1 UUEUUUUUUTUUUUU 1 This list does not intentionallyinclude software, but a bookwith accompanying cassette isoften hard to distinguish froma cassette with a large manual." 1 This is strictly for the Defender addict who seeksan even greater challenge. the action is fast and furious and the enemies varied, mean and lethal. Once you get intothe claustrophobic cave system survival is nigh on impossible. 1 This is not the fastest game I have played, but the animation is smooth and there is a good variety in the screen designs and the problems to be solved. Recommended for the youngat heart, but not necessarily the young. 1 The aim of the program isto help children, aged from 5 to 14 years, to develop numeric estimation skills, an often neglected, though valuable ability. (extremely useful for dealing with restaurant bills in adult life!) 1 The Hobbit~",vi,"9",e4,n3,"161 6",i,d 1 The first few characters maysuffice. Use of a search keylonger than 32 characters is NOTrecommended. 1 THEN GO UP. WAIT.": 1 THEN CLIMB ON THE COFFIN AND 1 THE SILVER TRAY CARRIED BY THE 1 THE ENTIRE RALLY ? 1 TEE SHIRT! 1 TECHNICIAN TED MEMORY: 48K 16/48 RATING 1 TECHNICIAN TED 1 Source of reference." 1 Silicon Dream 1 SUBTERRANEAN STRYKER MEMORY: 48K 16/48 RATING 1 SUBTERRANEAN STRYKER 1 STOP THE TAPE^ 1 STAD>COL+11 1 STAD=FILE+STY*8 1 STAD,COL+1 1 STAD+FNX-STX,0 1 SCROLL b$ SUBROUTINE 1 SAM STOAT SAFEBREAKERMonty Mole may well be innocent, but this character certainly is not. Your task is to break into the four houses in Gremlin Lane and steal the contents oftheir safes. Easy? No. Moral? Not at all. 1 SAM STOAT SAFEBREAKER MEMORY: 48K 16/48 RATING 1 S$="XXXXXXX XXXX X X X XX XXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXX XXXX X X X X XXXX XXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXX XX X X X XXXX XXXXXXX" 1 Roman numerals make 1 Return to Eden 1 Return To Eden 1 RRK+STAD,0 1 REVIEWS 1 RESET BIGPRINT POINTER 1 READ THIS. The other code is 1 QUIT ROUTINE 1 QNB'V THNG USAK means CAN'T 1 Publisher, 1 Please enter the search key for:": 1 PRINT WORD 1 PRINT CLUE 1 PRESS THREE OF THE BUTTONS 1 PRESS ANY KEY 1 POSITION AROUND 1 Owners of Currah micro- speech packs also get verbal warnings and congratulations with every slave saved. Of course, most popular joystick protocols are supported and there is also the essential hall of fame. 1 Other points. 1 OIL SLICKS 1 Nffg,"11 2",v,o 1 NUMBER PAINTER 16/48 RATING 1 NUMBER PAINTER 1 NUMBER (the one you want). 1 NO``NNOOO__O__O__NNOO__OOOONNOOOOMMMNNMMMMMMMMMMMNNMMMMMMMMNNMMMOOOONNOOOOOOOOOOONNOOOOOOOONNOOOOLLLNNLLLLLLLLLLLNNLLLLLLLLNNLLLOOOONN``ONN__OOOONNOOONNOOONN__OOMMMMMMMMNNMMMMMMMMMMMNNMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOONNOOOOOOOOOOONNOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLNNLLLLLLLLLLLNNLLLLLLLLOOONNOOOONNO__NNO__OOONNOOOOONNOOMMNNMMMMMMMMMNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNMOOONNOOOOOOOOONNOOOOOOOOOOOOONNOOLLNNLLLLLLLLLNNLLLLLLLLLLLLLNNLOOONNONNOOOO__NNOOO__ONNO__OONNNNMMMMMNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNMMMMMMMNNOOOOONNOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNOOOOOOONNLLLLLNNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLNNLLLLLLLNNOOOOONNOOOONNOOOOOOOONNONN__OONNMMMMMMMMMMMNNMMMMMMMMMMMNNMMMMMMGGOOOOOOOOONNOOOOOOOOOOONNOOO 1 NIGHTINGALE GO NORTH AND 1 Microdrive",iv,"5",e4,n4,"12406 7",i,d 1 Microdrive and Interfaces",iv,"10",e4,n5,"28662 5",ii,81284 1 Magnetic Magazines Ltd.*6\$: 1 MULTS(X) A 1 MAGNETIC MAGAZINES : 1 Last name only of publisher isused. 1 LUDOIDS C5?). THE SIX DIGITS ARETHE LOCATION OF THE CREWMEMBER. THE 1ST DIGIT IS THE FREEZER 1 LIBRARY GO NORTH TO THE ARCHIVE,TAKE MEMPACK, INSERT IT, LOOK 1 LET THE TAPE RUN 1 Kim Kimberly, is a woman. 1 Kim Kimberley, secret agent 1 K$(F,NN)="*": 1 It's probably due to the cold 1 Issue 17 Competition 1 Int Std Bk No, 1 In the game you must steer your car into the lane which has the answerclosest to the correct result of a mathematical expression displayed at the bottom of the screen In this race against the clock you must avoid oil slicks and rocks and yet 1 In 10 (very broad) categories: 1 If you wish to list the entirefile from a chosen initial, typethat initial, followed by 1 If you stop or break the program~ 1 If you like this sort of game (and who doesn't?) Ihighly recommend it as the best I have seen. It is a real challenge tothe keen hacker. Even with the useful REM in the loader program I had quite a job just getting this picture. 1 If you do find the new generation of arcade adventures too demanding on the brain then this could be for you. The only things that I can criticize are the high level of flicker on your fighter's sprite and somejagged screen scrolling. 1 INPUT WORD 1 INPUT SOLUTION 1 IN;" PRESS ANY KEY FOR FRONT VIEW. ": 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 IIIIIIIIII 1 Hardcopy is available via yourZX or Alphacom printer." 1 Guides). (For children)",v,"5",e4,n2,"12259 5",i,d 1 Good game designs will never die! This is one ofthose Defender-through-a-cave-system type games. Simply blast your way through the five levels of this alien complex andsave the slave workers onyour way. 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGD8888 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGD888888888888888D 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGFCCCCCCC 1 GGGGGGFFGGGGGGGGFFFFFFFFGGGGGG 1 GGGGGFFFFCC 1 GGBBBFFFFFC 1 GGBBBFFFFCC 1 GFFFFFGGGGGGGG 1 GDDLLLLLLLLLNNLLLLLLLLLLLNNLLL 1 GBBFBFFFFFF 1 FREEZER DISK. THE REST IS EASY.": 1 FREEZER DISC 1 FNY1=FNY-1 1 FNY1=FNY+1 1 FNX-STX=-2 1 FNAD=FILE+FNY*8 1 FIGCHESS 1 FIG CODE 1 FGGGGGGGEEEEEEE 1 FFFFFGGGGCGGG 1 FFFFFGCCGGGG 1 FFFFFFGGGGGGGG 1 FFFFFFFFGFGGGGGGFFFFF 1 FFFFFFFFFFFFFBBBBBBFFFFF 1 FFFFFFFFBBBGGGGG 1 FFFFFFFFBBBBB 1 FFFFCCFCBBGGGGGGCCGGCFFFGGGGGG 1 FFCFFFFFGGGGGGGGFFCC 1 FFCFFFFFGGGGGGGG 1 Entries traced in BBIP before 1 Enter the number of your choice,or 1 Easy programming: ZX "+c$+". 1 Each house has a diferent level of difficulty and its own twenty rooms. To open a safe you will need to find a bomb, a match and of course,the safe. Beinga high risk area for burglaries, each house iswell supplied with a 1 ESTIMATOR RACER 16/48 RATING 1 ESTIMATOR RACER 1 EEUUUUEUEEUETE 1 DOOR POSTSy 1 DIVISION ( 1 DISC COLOUR. THE SECOND IS 1 DGGOOOOOO__ONNO__OOOOOOOONNOOO 1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1 DATA - see line 370 1 D1=STY-FNY: 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Chiswick, London W4 4PH. 1 CROSSWORD . 1 CONFUSED BAT RACE MAKES A FLOOR SHOWK 1 COFFIN. TO AVOID THE 1 CLEAR ROADS 1 CHECK FOR FINISH 1 CHEAT SUBROUTINE 1 CCCCCCCCGGG 1 CABARET 1 1 6 00KID 1 9 2 00ADVOCAAT 3 4 7 00BEAGLE 5 1 5 00TSAR 5 8 3 00SIGN 7 1 3 00PENCIL 7 6 5 00BARNACLE 9 1 7 00EGO 111 2 00BUTCHER 115 6 00CARIB 1 1 4 10RIDDLE 1 5 5 10THOR 1 7 3 10KNAPSACK 1 9 7 10DETER 1 114 10KANGAROO 4 3 7 10PELLET 6 7 5 10SABRE 7 1 4 10LINER 7 114 10JAMB 8 5 3 10W 1 C$="SPECIAL" 1 Bkslr = Bookseller (weekly). 1 BUTTLER IN THE HABIDROME. WAVE 1 BULLETIN u 1 BUBBLE BUS COMPEITION, 1 BUBBLE BUS 1 BOOKLIST Pt 1 BLINK. Had me fooled as well.": 1 BBGGGGGFBBBBBBB 1 BBBBGGGCGG 1 BBBBBBBBBBB 1 BASIC",ii,"8",e4,n7,"022677 6",i,d 1 BASIC"+" & machine code 1 As bibliographical details canvary widely between sources, itis wise to check with publisher/bookshop before ordering." 1 As Ted, you must travel around 50 rooms of the factory and complete 21 tasks, most of which havea time limit and all of which must be completed before home time -5.00pm-or you get the sack. Yourmain problem is finding out which tasks to do. 1 And now! With the press of a 1 Advert = Publisher's or book- 1 AT VIEWER. THE VIEWER HAS 1 AS WELL AS YOUR NECKLACE.": 1 ARRAY AND NT E E R UT A LOGICALRED L U LI COMMA SBIN W E BITU E IN E RT X T E IEXTEND OPEN O O E GOR RETURN 1 ANOTHER USE (REMEMBER THE 1 AND THE 3RD IS THE LEVEL IN 1 ADDS(+) AND SUBS(-) ? 1 A$="TODAY'S": 1 >fff,"03 2",i,d 1 >MMMMyyyMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMyyyMMMMOOOOyyyOMMMMMMMMOOMMMMMMOyyyOONNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1 <fxx||xfxx| 1 ;y,i$,"[";b$(b);("0" 1 ;A$(F);" To Move () ": 1 ;"What does make 1 ;"WHO'S MOVE BLACK (2)or WHITE (1)"'F: 1 ;"WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE FILE."'N$: 1 ;"WHAT DO YOU WANT TO NAME IT."'N$: 1 ;"WEAR IT. IT'S A SPACE SUIT. THETRINKETS ARE HANDY TO.": 1 ;"This program contains our usual bigprint routine (in line 0) anda short 64 byte routine at "; 1 ;"The adventure starts with you 1 ;"THE USUAL SOLUTION HERE. USE 1 ;"THE CAN IS PRESSURISED, SO KEEP IT IN THE TOOL BOX. A WEAPON?": 1 ;"TAKE THE VIEWER FROM THE 1 ;"Snowball is a text only 1 ;"SIT IN THE CHAIR WEAR THE 1 ;"RUN THE TAPE": 1 ;"PULL THE LEVER AND GET OUT OF 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO 1 ;"PRESS A KEY": 1 ;"PRESS A KEY ( 1 ;"No mistake, I do mean 1 ;"MAY 1985" 1 ;"J7JNJdJ|J 1 ;"In these adventures you play 1 ;"INSTRUCTIONS"; 1 ;"ILLEGAL": 1 ;"GO TO ROBOT CENTRAL STORES. YOUNEED THE RED AND ORANGE CARDS 1 ;"FIGCHESS" 1 ;"Everyone wants to know where 1 ;"CROSSWORD" 1 ;"BULLETIN" 1 ;"BOOKLIST": 1 ;"BOOKLIST" 1 ;"As with all Level 9 adventures 1 ;"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO QUIT? PRESS Y FOR YES OR N FOR NO." 1 ;" Select (R,N,B or Q)" 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO 1 ;" MENU "; 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 8<8888888888888 1 7962"+" bytes remaining.": 1 666666666666666666666666666666666222222222222'''''''''222''''''66222222222222'''''''''222''''''66'''''''''''''''''''''222''''''66'''''''''''''''''''''222''''''66222222222222222222222222''''''66222222222222222222222222''''''66''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''66''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''66''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''66''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''662222222 2222222222'''''''''662222222 2222222222'''''''''66''''''''''''''''''222'''''''''66''''''''''''''''''222'''''''''66222222222'''''''''222'''''''''66222222222'''''''''222'''''''''666666666666666666666666666676666 1 48k",ix,"7Phoenix946576",e4,n5,"10 6",i,d 1 333333333` 1 33333333333333` 1 23636+34": 1 222211111111!!!!!!!!! 1 2000 000 hibernating colonists?": 1 2 vols)",v,"7Educare907907",e2,11.9 1 16/48LOAD2 1 16/48D&G17 1 16/48 Magazine, 1 10 barley Mow Passage, 1 033333333` 1 ,XPR;Z$;")": 1 ,#;9;O;e;|; 1 ,"99 5",i,d 1 ,"8 9",i,8.84 1 ,"70 8",v,o 1 ,"692366 6",i,d 1 ,"692240 6",i,d 1 ,"636610 4",i,d 1 ,"30 0",ii,221284 1 ,"29 1",i,d 1 ,"28 5",i,d 1 ,"27 5",i,d 1 ,"25 1",i,d 1 ,"22633 3",i,d 1 ,"1623 3",i,d 1 ,"13 9",i,8.84 1 ,"099 6",i,d 1 ,"097 4",i,d 1 ,"0351 4",i,d 1 ,"02075 7",i,d 1 ,"01235 7",i,d 1 ,"001698 4",vi,o 1 , but more about that 1 , a few months 1 +hp-viii*yp: 1 +(i$="R")*2 1 +(i$="Q")*8 1 +(i$="N")*4 1 +(i$="B")*6 1 **************** 1 *((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((//////////////////////////////*/-------------------------------- 1 )="WHITE " 1 )="BLACK ": 1 );"hours "; 1 ));"Minutes."'"PRESS ANY KEY ( 1 (sty-fny)=0 1 (stx-fnx)=0 1 (prog+1217 1 (p*x)<.001 1 (With audio tape)",iii,"6",e3,n4,"22 8",i,d 1 (STY-FNY): 1 (RRK+STAD): 1 (Listed BBIP as by ~CARTE~)",v,"1",e4,n7,"0606 8",i,d 1 (FNX1+FNY1* 1 (2nd ed)",iii,"5Shiva85014",e4,n5,"046 4",iv,o 1 (((B((((((==88888888888888888888(((((((((((=88888888888888888888hhhhhhhhhhhh88888888888888888888XXXXPPPPPPX888888888888888888888XXXXPPPPPPX888888888888888888888xPPXPPPPPPXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPPXPPPPPPXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxpPPXPPPPPPXpppppppppppppppppppppprPXPPPPPPXppppppppppppppppppppppprXXXXXXXXpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppprrrrpppppppppppppppppppppppppppprrrrpppppppppppppppppppppppppppprrrrpppppppppppppppppppppppppppprrrrpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 's, epic space travel, 1 '''"This program can be used just asit is or you can take a closer look at the subroutines at lines1013 and 4000 to work out how tochange the magnification factorsof the bigprint routines." 1 ''"When BIGPRINT has been updated to remove the BASIC content we may be able to improve on this program." 1 ''"The jerky movement is a result of the need to stop the scroll while each character is printed." 1 ''"Press any key for another demo." 1 ''"Enter the co-ordinate of the piece to be moved (Letter first then number.),then enter the co-ordinate of the place it is to be moved to." 1 '"{C} To Save game {L} To Load old game {R} To Reverse Board "'"{Q} To Quit "'"{S} To Restart Game "'"{I} For Instructions "'"{P} To Continue game " 1 '"This program can be used just as it is to display any message of almost any length with bannertitles above and below" 1 %,:,P,e,{, 1 "code*100": 1 "all","general","business","programs","programming","hardware","children/educn","games","graphics/sound","machine code","science/maths": 1 "a"'"which scrolls one third of the screen to the left one pixel at a time." 1 "WREN-HILTON, Martin","Games to play on your ZX 1 "WORD?";W$: 1 "WOOLLEY, Ben & BIDMEAD, C.H.","Micro enquirer: "+c$,o,"1",e4,n8,"0409 X",i,d 1 "WOOD, Tony","Learn & use assembly language onthe ZX "+c$,viii,"8",e3,n6,"084705 3",i,d 1 "WILSON, John","Cracking the code on the 1 "WILLIAMS, Philip (ed)","Over the "+c$,o,"9",e3,n6,"109 8",i,d 1 "WILLIAMS, Noel","Invent and write games programs for the ZX "+c$,vi,"8",e3,n6,"084719 3",i,d 1 "WHEELWRIGHT, Geoff","ZX "+c$,o,"7",e4,n4,"91608 9",ii,110884 1 "WEST INDIAN NATIVE","LARGE SEIVE OR SMALL PROBLEM","A BADLY SPELLED MELTING OR A THUNDEROUS DEITY","SOLDIER'S PACK","DISCOURAGE","ANTIPODEAN MARSUPIAL","A SMALL ROUND PART OF LAPEL LETTERING","VARIETY OF WULF?","CRUISE SHIP","DOOR POST" 1 "WEBB, Steve","Practical "+c$+" machine code programming",viii,"6Virgin86369",e4,n3,"045 9",i,d 1 "WEBB, David","Advanced "+c$+" machine 1 "WARDLE, Michael & MILLS, John","ZX "+c$+". (Young programmer'sguide)",iii,"17",e5,n4,"38368 0",iv,o 1 "WALSH, James",c$+" machine code made easy.Vol 1. (See also: HOLMES, Paul)",viii,"6",e3,n5,"43 0",i,d 1 "WAITE, Mitchell & CHAPNICK, P","Timex/"+d$+" BASIC"+" primer withgraphics",iii,"8Sams(US)672",e4,n8,"22077 6",i,d 1 "VICKERS, Stephen",d$+" "+c$+": pocket 1 "VALENTINE, Roger",c$+" business book",i,"3V&H946008",e4,n9,"08 6",i,d 1 "TOMS, Trevor R","ZX "+c$+" pocket book",o,"0Phipps Ass9507302",e2,6.5 1 "THOMASSON, Don","Advanced "+c$+" Forth",iii,"9",e4,n8,"142 X",i,d 1 "TANG, William (ed)",c$+" machine language for 1 "TAKOUSHI, Tony","Best software guide: "+c$+" 1 "Sources checked to Dec 1984, ascarefully as possible, but usualdisclaimers." 1 "STREET, C.A.","Information handling for the ZX "+c$,i,"8",e3,n6,"084707 X",i,d 1 "STEWART, Ian","Gateway to computing: ZX 1 "STANLEY, Paul","25 programs for the "+d$+" ZX Microdrive: multi-user games forthe "+c$,ii,"10",e4,n5,"28674 9",i,d 1 "SPEEL, S. Robert","Better programming for your 1 "SPECTRUM...",c$+" Microdrive handbook",iv,"1",e3,n4,"0206 2",i,d 1 "SPARROWHAWK, Anne","Getting the most from your 1 "SPARKES, R.A.","ZX "+c$+" in science teaching",v,"9Hutch'son9",e4,n8,"158201 6",i,d 1 "SOLOMON, Meyer","My ZX "+c$+" and me",o,"3",e4,n2,"1844 X",i,d 1 "SMIT, Rudolf",c$+" software projects",ii,"9",e4,n6,"150 0",i,d 1 "SINCLAIR, Ian R","Introducing "+c$+" machine 1 "SINCLAIR USER",d$+" User book of games and programs for the "+c$,ii,"20",e4,n3,"007815 0",i,d 1 "SIMPSON, R.J. & TERRELL, T.J.","ZX "+c$+" user's handbook",o,"6Newnes408",e3,n6,"01323 0",i,d 1 "SIMISTER, W","How to write ZX "+c$+" games 1 "SHAW, Peter","Games for your ZX "+c$,vi,"13",e3,n2,"84 7",iv,o 1 "SELF","YOU CAN GET MEAT FROM THIS CUT HERB MIXTURE" 1 "SCOTT, Allan","Complete "+c$,o,"5",e4,n9,"12569 1",i,d 1 "SCALES, Ian",c$+" peripherals guide",iv,"10",e4,n4,"28459 2",i,d 1 "ROSS-LANGLEY, Richard",c$+" machine code reference guide: Microdrive, Interface 1 &ROM disassembly",viii,"6",e4,n4,"51 1",i,d 1 "REVIEWS." 1 "RENKO, Hal & EDWARDS, Sam","Spectacular games for your ZX 1 "RAMSHAW, Mark","Discover your ZX "+c$,o,"1",e4,n2,"0424 3",i,d 1 "PUT DOWN YOUR JOHN HANCOCK","WRITING INSTRUMENT","SMALL CLINGING CRUSTACEAN" 1 "PRIGMORE, Clive","30 hour BASIC"+": ZX "+c$+" ed",iii,"19",e3,n6,"394 6",i,d 1 "PERSONAL COMPUTER WORLD","Best Personal Computer World 1 "PERRY, David","Astounding arcade games for your"+c$+"+ and "+c$,vi,"6",e4,1.25 1 "PENNELL, Andrew","Master your ZX Microdrive",iv,"12",e3,n6,"19 X",i,d 1 "PEACEY, Nick & OLIVIER, Bill","Nick and Bill's "+c$+" guide",o,"19",e4,n4,"399 7",iv,o 1 "NUMBER OF WORDS?";W 1 "NICHOLLS, Stuart","Assembly language for arcade 1 "NELSON, Andrew","Games of action and excitement 1 "NAYLOR, Jeff & ROGERS, Diane","Inside your "+c$+": a guide tothe anatomy of the hardware",iv,"12",e4,n6,"35 1",i,d 1 "McLEAN, Ian & others","ZX "+c$+": your personal 1 "McLEAN, Ian & GORDON, John","100 programs for the ZX 1 "McBRIDE, P.K.","Games for your ZX "+c$,vi,"7",e4,n3,s$,iv,o 1 "MURRAY, Ian","Educational programs for the 1 "MORSE, Peter (ed)","Microguide: "+c$,o,"1",e4,1.99 1 "MORSE, Peter & others","Century "+e$+" programming 1 "MORSE, Peter & HANCOCK, B.(eds)","Century "+e$+" programming 1 "MOORE, Lawrie","Mastering the ZX "+c$,o,"7Horwood85312",e3,n5,"700 X",i,d 1 "MONRO, Donald M","Know your "+c$,o,"8Tiny Pub907909",e4,n7,"03 5",i,d 1 "MONEY, Steve A",c$+" graphics & sound",vii,"5",e4,n6,"12192 0",i,d 1 "MOLE, Roy & FOX, Doug","Book of games and programs for 1 "MILLER, Judith","Beginning BASIC"+" with the ZX 1 "MERVYN, Tim & NEILSON, Dave","Beginner's BASIC"+" for the 1 "MATTHEWS, Toby & SMITH, Paul","Winning games on the ZX 1 "MARSHALL, Garry","BASIC for your ZX "+c$,iii,"5Arrow9",e4,n3,"937680 6",iv,o 1 "LUDINSKI, Genevieve","Brainteasers for the "+c$+" 1 "LORD, M.R.","Exploring "+c$+" BASIC",iii,"8Timedata907892",e2,n4,"03 5",i,d 1 "LOGAN, Ian",c$+" Microdrive book",iv,"9",e3,n5,"127 6",i,d 1 "LINE?";A$(N,12 1 "LIMBERT, Ben","Guide to the "+c$,o,"0Designed P946246",e3,n2,"02 5",i,1.84 1 "LEWIS, Gareth & PORKESS, Roger",c$+" data log",o,"2",e4,n2,"197532 3",i,d 1 "LETTICE, John","Introducing your ZX "+c$,o,"7",e4,n3,"91602 X",ii,81284 1 "LETCHER, Piers","Step-by-step programming: ZX 1 "LAWRENCE, David","Working "+c$+": a library of 1 "LANGDELL, Tim",c$+" handbook",o,"1",e2,n5,"0152 X",i,d 1 "LAINE, David",c$+" machine code 1 "KRAMER, Steve",c$+" operating system",viii,"18",e4,n5,"0019 1",i,d 1 "JONES, Robin & FAIRHURST, M","Artificial intelligence: ZX 1 "JONES, Dilwyn","Beyond simple BASIC"+": delving 1 "JONES, Adrian","Programming arcade games for 1 "JOHNSON, W","50 subroutines for the "+d$+" "+c$,ii,"22",e4,n5,"97 8",i,d 1 "JAMES, Mike","Art of programming the ZX 1 "JACKSON, Peter","Business programming on your 1 "INVALUABLE...","Invaluable utilities for the 1 "INGLIS, Jonathan","Facts and figures: "+c$+" ed",v,"5",e4,n1,"12588 8",iv,o 1 "HURLEY, Richard G","15 graphic games for the 1 "HURLEY, Randle","More real applications for the 1 "HURLEY, Linda",c$+" programming for young 1 "HUGHES, Carolyn","First steps with your "+c$,v,"6Armada00",e3,1.25 1 "HOORNAERT, Ed","Kid's manual for programming the"+d$+"/Timex "+e$+"s",v,"8Foulsham8306",e3,6.85 1 "HOLMES, Paul",c$+" machine code made easy.Vol 2. (See also: WALSH, James)",viii,"6",e3,n5,"44 9",i,d 1 "HAYWOOD, Daniel","Creating arcade games on your 1 "HAVILAND, Robert P","Computer companion for the 1 "HARWOOD, David","60 games and applications for 1 "HARTNELL, Tim","Dynamic games for the ZX 1 "HARTNELL, Tim & others","Educational uses of the ZX 1 "HARRISON, Mark",d$+" "+c$+" in focus",o,"22",e2,6.25 1 "HAMPSHIRE, Nick, (ed)",c$+" graphics",vii,"3",e2,n6,"1700 1",i,d 1 "GREENWOOD, Gareth","ZX cloak and dagger book. Codes and cryptography on "+d$+" 1 "GRAVES, Richard P. & GRAVES, D","ZX "+c$+". (Beginners Guides)",o,"0Kingfisher86272",e4,2.5 1 "GRANT, John & GRANT, Catherine","ZX programmer's guide",iii,"9Cambridge521",e4,n6,"27044 8",i,d 1 "GRAHAM, Natasha & ROBERTS, M","Micro"+e$+" hardware projects:"+d$+" "+c$+" & ZX81 add-on units",iv,"22",e4,n5,"64 1",i,d 1 "GRAHAM, Ian","Step by step programming: ZX 1 "GOH, K.S.","50 1k programs for primary 1 "GILES, Alan",c$+" Micronet book",o,"9",e4,n6,"167 5",ii,31184 1 "GIFFORD, Clive","Adventures for your "+c$,vi,"6Virgin86369",e4,n2,"060 2",i,d 1 "GERRARD, Peter","Advanced graphics for the 1 "GEE, S.M.",c$+" programmer",iii,"5",e2,n5,"12025 8",i,d 1 "GAVIN, Maurice","ZX "+c$+" astronomy: discover the heavens on your "+e$,ix,"12",e4,n6,"24 6",i,d 1 "GALLOWAY, Jim & CARNELL, Roy",c$+" music: making music on your micro",vii,"12",e4,n5,"25 4",i,d 1 "GABY, Ewin & GABY, Shirley","Gosubs: program-building sub- 1 "FROST, Jean","Instant arcade games for the 1 "FREEMAN, Richard","Step-by-step BASIC"+": ZX "+c$,iii,"8Lifelong946876",e4,n5,"01 0",i,d 1 "FIGCHESS.": 1 "FIGCHESS" 1 "FIG CODE" 1 "FIELD, Graham","Logo on the "+d$+" "+c$,v,"17",e5,n6,"38376 1",vi,o 1 "EWBANK, Kay & others",c$+" gamesmaster",vi,"5",e4,n6,"12515 2",ii,11284 1 "ERSKINE, Robert","60 programs for the "+d$+" ZX "+c$,ii,"10",e3,n4,"28260 3",i,d 1 "ENTER top headline";a$ 1 "ENTER the word "; 1 "ENTER paper colour for bulletin";p 1 "ENTER ink colour";ink 1 "ENTER bulletin. You can include ink colour codes by presing capshift and a number when in extended mode.";b$ 1 "ENTER bottom line ";c$ 1 "ENTER background colour";back 1 "ELLERSHAW, Derek & SCHOFIELD, P",c$+" complete BASIC"+" course",iii,"9",e4,n9,"128 4",i,d 1 "ELKAN, David","Guide to playing ~ 1 "DURST, John","Machine code sprites & graphics for the ZX "+c$,vii,"12",e4,n6,"51 3",i,d 1 "DURANG, David",c$+" graphics compendium",vii,"21",e4,n3,"02170 2",ii,110884 1 "DICKENS, Adrian",c$+" hardware manual",iv,"9",e3,n5,"115 2",i,d 1 "DEWHIRST, John & TENNISON, R","Child's guide to the ZX 1 "DEESON, Eric","Learning with the "+c$,v,"8AVC Soft946369",e2,ii,"01 1",i,d 1 "DALY, S.","20 programs for the ZX "+c$+" & 16k ZX81",ii,"14",e3,n1,"103 8",i,d 1 "CROSSWORD" 1 "COOKE, Stuart","Companion to the "+d$+" ZX 1 "CONFUSED BAT RACE MAKES A FLOOR SHOW","DECEIVE, A YOUNG GOAT","A DUTCH LAWYER'S DUTCH COURAGE?","THE DOG WHICH TOOK DARWIN TO THEGALAPAGOS ISLANDS","A RULER FROM A REVERSED RASTA" 1 "COLUMN?";A$(N,14 1 "COATS, R.B.",c$+" BASIC",iii,"6Arnold7131",e3,n4,"3501 8",i,d 1 "CHARLTON, Mark","Action games for your ZX 1 "CHAPPLE, Jonathan","I wish I knew...about the 1 "CARTER, Robert","Computer science tutor: 1 "CARTER, Graham","More games for your ZX "+c$,vi,"13",e3,3.5 1 "CAN'T GET OUT OF BED?","CAN'T WORK THE COMPUTER?","CAN'T FIND THE CREW MEMBER?","WHAT TO DO WITH THE LEOTARD?","HOW TO GET THE LANCE?","PAINT EVERYWHERE?","LASER PROBLEMS?": 1 "CAMACHO, Anthony","Drive your "+c$,o,"4",e3,n5,"01211 X",i,d 1 "CALLENDER, Chris","Putting your "+c$+" to work",i,"6",e3,n4,"40 6",i,d 1 "CAHILL, Pauline","Mathematical projects for the ZX"+c$,ix,"6",e4,n3,"55 4",i,d 1 "BULLETIN" 1 "BRIDGE, Tony, & CARNELL, Roy",c$+" adventures: a guide to playing & writing adventures",vi,"12",e3,n5,"07 6",i,d 1 "BRAIN, Keith & BRAIN, Steven","Artificial intelligence on the 1 "BRADBEER, Robin","Learning to use the ZX "+c$+".(See also next item)",o,"5Gower566",e2,n4,"03481 6",i,d 1 "BOWMAN, Marcus",c$+" advanced graphics 1 "BOON, Kaspar","Explorer's guide to the ZX 1 "BOOKLIST" 1 "BLUSTON, H.S.","Aerospace & communic'n satelliteapplic'ns of ZX81/"+c$+"..",ix,"9EnergyCon907350",e3,vii,"08 9",i,d 1 "BISHOP, Owen","Easy add-on projects for the 1 "BISHOP, Graham D",c$+" interfacing and 1 "BETTS, Steve",c$+" magic: your first 1 "BERT, A.A.","Practical robotics and inter- 1 "BERGIN, Kevin","Guide to writing games on the 1 "BEASLEY, Sue & CLARK, Ruth","Really easy guide to home 1 "BBIP","Bkslr","WCBL","No ref","advert","pub cat": 1 "BBIP = British Books in Print.WCBL = Whitaker's Cumulative 1 "BATESON, Spencer",c$+": "+e$+" crib card",o,"7Phoenix946576",e4,1.99 1 "BANKS, Rob","Machine code extensions for 1 "BAKER, Toni","Mastering machine code on your 1 "BAINS, Geoff","Better guide to the "+d$+" 1 "ARDLEY, Neil","ZX "+c$+"+ user's guide",o,"0Kindersley86318",e4,n4,"080 9",ii,81284 1 "APPS, Vince","Learning is fun! 40 educational games for the "+c$,v,"5",e3,n5,"12233 1",i,d 1 "ANGELL, Ian O. & JONES, B.J.","Advanced graphics with the 1 "ANBARLIAN, Harry","Introduction to Vu-Calc spread- 1 "ALTWASSER, Richard F","Cambridge colour collection: 20 programs for the ZX "+c$,ii,"8(author)9507658",e2,n6,"2 1",i,d 1 "ALLAN, Boris","Building with Logo on the ZX 1 "ADAMS, Stephen","20 simple electronic projects 1 "ACROSS 0,DOWN 1,R REPEAT.";A$(N,18 1 ";d;" are probably out of print." 1 "9";"PRESS ANY KEY" 1 "8"+FILE+((COL 1 "7Century7126","7Collins0","9Duckworth7156","8Foulsham572","7Granada246","9Interface907563","7Longman582","9McGraw-H.07","9Melbourne86161","3Pan330","5Shiva906812","8Sunshine946408","6Virgin907080","6Babani85934","6Browne946195","7Fontana0","9Macmillan333","8Micro Pr7447","3NEC86082","7Penguin14","6Pitman273","5Sigma905104" 1 "64001",LN: 1 "64000",FR+KK: 1 "6";"LOADING SOME CODE": 1 "5";"To CASTLE merely move the king to its end position e.g:(E1-C1) " 1 "5";"A Figgins Production" 1 "5";" Do you want instuctions (y/n) " 1 "23658",o: 1 "23609",xx: 1 "23607",60 1 "23301",(k$="q")+2 1 "23300",16 1 "17",vi;"for full screen output. 1 "16/48LOAD2" 1 "16/48D&G17" 1 "15",i;"Press L to load ";: 1 "14";"END", 1 "13",v;"(Author & title only)."; 1 "12",v;"for short screen output."; 1 "11";" ": 1 "10",i;"Press R to read again."; 1 "1";"PROMOTION."; 1 "1";" ": 1 "0";" Press {M} for menu of commands": 1 "0",XPR;"-";Z$;")": 1 "+e$,o,p$,e3,n5,"985028 7",i,d 1 "+d$+"/Timex "+e$+"s",o,"8Foulsham8306",e4,9.5 1 "+d$+" ZX "+c$,viii,"10",e4,n6,"28665 X",i,d 1 "+d$+" ZX "+c$,vii,"17",e3,n9,"35050 2",i,d 1 "+d$+" ZX "+c$,vi,"10",e3,n3,"28265 4",i,d 1 "+d$+" ZX "+c$,o,"20",e3,n5,"007803 7",i,d 1 "+d$+" ZX "+c$,ii,"10",e4,n5,"28663 3",iv,o 1 "+c$,vii,"3",e4,n6,"1865 2",ii,110884 1 "+c$,vi,"9E.Horwood85312",e4,n5,"734 4",i,d 1 "+c$,vi,"9Addison-W201",e3,n3,"14667 3",i,d 1 "+c$,vi,"8Sidgwick283",e4,n6,"99164 X",ii,171184 1 "+c$,vi,"6Virgin86369",e5,n2,"076 9",iv,o 1 "+c$,vi,"6Virgin86369",e5,n2,"073 4",iv,o 1 "+c$,vi,"6",e4,n4,"58 9",i,d 1 "+c$,vi,"6",e4,n4,"53 8",i,d 1 "+c$,vi,"3",e4,n6,"1884 9",ii,110884 1 "+c$,vi,"3",e4,n6,"1860 1",ii,110884 1 "+c$,vi,"18",e4,n5,s$,iv,o 1 "+c$,vi,"18",e3,n5,"0002 7",i,d 1 "+c$,vi,"16",e4,n3,"636699 6",i,d 1 "+c$,vi,"15",e3,n5,"13 7",i,d 1 "+c$,vi,"11",e4,n1,"28 3",vi,o 1 "+c$,vi,"1",e4,n3,"0624 6",vi,o 1 "+c$,v,"9Cambridge521",e3,n3,"27777 9",i,d 1 "+c$,v,"12",e4,n6,"39 4",iv,o 1 "+c$,v,"1",e3,n6,"0260 7",i,d 1 "+c$,o,"6Futura7088",e3,n2,"2442 0",i,d 1 "+c$,o,"5Zomba946391",e4,n3,"47 5",i,d 1 "+c$,o,"3",e4,n2,"1789 3",i,d 1 "+c$,o,"1",e5,n7,"0657 2",vi,o 1 "+c$,ix,"5Shiva85014",e4,n5,"026 X",vi,o 1 "+c$,iii,"17",e4,n5,"37995 0",vi,o 1 "+c$,iii,"14",e2,n2,"094 5",i,d 1 "+c$,iii,"11",e3,n5,"24 0",i,d 1 "+c$,ii,"1",e3,n5,"0262 3",i,d 1 "+c$,ii,"0Prentice-H13",e3,n6,"634766 5",i,d 1 "+c$+": make your micro think",o,"12",e4,n6,"37 8",i,d 1 "+c$+": a guide book for 1 "+c$+". Book 2",o,p$,e4,n4,"037 5",ii,241184 1 "+c$+". Book 2",iii,p$,e4,n6,"031 0",i,d 1 "+c$+". Book 1",o,"5Shiva85014",e4,n4,"033 2",ii,241184 1 "+c$+". Book 1",iii,"0Kindersley86318",e4,n6,"026 4",i,d 1 "+c$+". 3rd rev ed",iii,"7Glentop907792",e4,10.5 1 "+c$+", ZX81 & Ace",iv,"14",e3,2.75 1 "+c$+"+: graphics. Book 4",vii,"0Kindersley86318",e4,n5,"104 X",v,o 1 "+c$+"+: graphics. Book 3",vii,"0Kindersley86318",e4,n5,"087 6",v,o 1 "+c$+"+. Book 2",iii,p$,e4,n5,"096 5",ii,81284 1 "+c$+"+. Book 1",iii,p$,e4,n5,"095 7",ii,81284 1 "+c$+" BASIC",viii,"6Hewson0",e4,n6,s$,v,o 1 "+c$+" 48k",vi,"3",e4,n6,"1796 6",i,d 1 "+c$+" 48k",vi,"18",e4,n5,"0013 2",i,d 1 "+c$+" & ZX81",vi,"11",e2,2.5 1 "+c$+" & ZX81",o,"9Addison-W201",e3,n7,"14638 X",i,d 1 "+c$+" & ZX81",iii,"16",e3,3.5 1 "+c$+" & ZX81",o,"21",e3,n4,"02029 3",i,d 1 "+c$+" "+e$,i,"7Phoenix946576",e4,n6,"05 X",i,d 1 "'''"Follow the prompts and when the picture is displayed press"''" 1 "''"The first 10 correct tapes drawnon 15th JUNE win ""WIZARD'S LAIR""plus a 1 "''"Cursor"'"keys"'"move *"''" 1 "'"When you see the picture use keys 1 " 1 !NIGHT DRIVING ? 1 you will return to this page and the picture will remain as you left it."''"Press 1 y =last 2 year-digits 1 to"'"answer a"'"clue."''" 1 to turn back a page,"''" Any other key to page through the review."'''"The display will stay on the screen for as long as you hold a key down."''"Don't forget 1 to save the picture to tape and send (together with Teeshirt size (s,m,l or xl) to;-" 1 to quit."''" 1 to quit and move on,"''" 1 to produce the unscrambled screen."''"If you press 1 to any category, and theprogram will stop." 1 title : ";((r$+y$)( 1 subject : ";w$(u+ii); 1 s =subject code no. 1 publisher: ";((v$+y$)( 1 problems.": 1 p$=publisher (inc ISBN prefix) 1 on all categories tolist the entire file. 1 is the first part of 1 is an excellent 1 i$=ISBN suffix 1 exceptional 1 db=date of bibliog ref. 1 check for page length 1 changes"'"mode"'"(across or"'"down)"''"Press"'" 1 b =bibliog ref code no. 1 author : ";((q$+y$)( 1 any other key to continue... 1 alone, to list thewhole file within author/subject/publisher limits. 1 alone to list whole file withinauthor/title/publisher limits. 1 a$=author 1 Sleuths corner. 1 SEARCH KEYS:"; 1 SCROLLING 1 QUITS"''" 1 Press Z to copy, 1 It seems that the adventure 1 If hard- copy is cut every 15 records, 1 DON'T RUN OR CLEAR:GOTO 1.": 1 BULLETIN 1 1984 A.P.S. 1 16/48 Magazine/John Luby 1 **16/48 issue 18** 1 ";pt;" record";("s" 1 to quit, or press 1 to list all of acategory, subject to limits setby the other categories. 1 alone, to list thewhole file within author/subject/title limits. 1 alone to list thewhole file within title/subject/publisher limits. 1 Yet another excellent maths education program from A.S.K. & Psion. Thisis a fast moving arcade game which encourages itsplayers to develop the skills of combining different mathematical operations (+-*/) to 1 START OF MAIN PROGRAM 1 SEARCH KEY HEADING ROUTINE 1 PUBLISHER 1 OUTPUT CHOICE ROUTINE 1 INTRODUCTION & INSTRUCTIONS 1 INITIALISE 1 HARDCOPY HEADINGS 1 BIGPRINT ROUTINE 1 The majority of educational programs thatI see are poorly designedalmost always written in BASIC and boring. So a well designed, machine coded, educational program which is fun was a refreshing surprise. 1 BY: S Marsden & D Cooke PRICE: `5.95 Hewson Consultants Ltd Hewson House 56B Milton Trading Est. Abingdon Oxon OX14 4RX. 1 SPECTRUM BOOKLIST 1 PRICE: `6.95 FROM: GREMLIN GRAPHICS Alpha House 10 Carver Street Sheffield S1 4FS. 1 PRICE: `5.95 PUBLISHER: ROMANTIC ROBOT77 Dyne Road London NW6 7DR. 1 Another list? 1 ADVENTURE HELP FROM Yaz. " 1 "Oh-hum, here we go again" I thought, expecting the usual Jet Set Willy clone. A few seconds into loading and this program had all my attention. Ten well animated men were now marching across the 1 PRICE: `6.95 PUBLISHER: INSIGHT 117 Higher Parr Street The Finger Post Shopping Centre St Helens Merseyside WA9 1AG. 1 Any other key continues. 1 by John Luby. 1 Jan 1985 1 "THREE..TWO...ONE...GO!" ..and with a single shot from the starter's gun the four regional champions of the annual Maggot Marathon bite their lips and quickly set off on the most dangerous event of the 1 seller's advertisement.Pub cat= Publisher's catalogue. No Ref = No formal bibliograph- ical reference, provis- ional listing." 1 Booklist. 1 '88888888' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1